Friday, July 26, 2013

Pointing out someone else's wrong doesn't make you less wrong...

Oh, Alec Baldwin.

You know, I thought it was a little troubling when you called your daughter a "thoughtless little pig" a few years ago. When you went crazy because flight attendants asked you to stop playing Words with Friends on an airplane readying for takeoff, I understood, because how many of us haven't wondered why we can't use our Kindle, iPad, or iPod during an entire flight?

When you called a barista at Starbucks an "uppity queen," I thought, well, poor choice of words. But hey, Alec, you've been an outspoken advocate for equality and gay rights, so clearly you didn't mean anything homophobic. Right?

And then recently you were at it again, calling Daily Mail reporter George Stark a "toxic little queen" on Twitter for claiming your wife was Tweeting during James Gandolfini's memorial service. (Your exact Tweets, actually, were "If put my foot up your f--king ass, George Stark, but I'm sure you'd dig it too much," and "I'm gonna find you George Stark, you toxic little queen, and I'm gonna f--k you...up.")

You kind of lost me there, Alec. I don't care if you apologized to GLAAD, and I'm not interested in the fact that most are willing to give you a pass because of your vocal support of the gay community. You probably aren't homophobic, although you clearly have anger issues that manifest themselves in calling gay people (or people you find feminine) "queen."

Words hurt. It's not acceptable to call people names because they don't do what you like, especially when those names have hurtful connotation. We've sadly not moved far enough as a society that these words still don't have ramifications.

But just when I thought we'd reached the end of this debacle, you decided to open your mouth again. After your "toxic little queen" tirade, Anderson Cooper tweeted, "Why does #AlecBaldwin get a pass when he uses gay slurs? If a conservative talked of beating up a "queen" they would be vilified."

On Howard Stern's radio program, you decided you'd get even with Anderson Cooper. So you said, "Anderson Cooper has a job to do. And that job is to try to reinforce his credibility in the gay community after the fact that you couldn't get him out of the closet for 10 years with a canister of tear gas. Now he's the sheriff. Now he's running around writing everybody a ticket!"

I see. So instead of continuing to take responsibility for your own behavior, it's better to say, "Hey, look at this guy! He's worse than I am! I can't be wrong if this guy is wrong!"

That's not how it should work. It's nobody's business to dictate when a person should come out of the closet. And while, sure, Anderson could have made his disclosure much earlier in his career, he's not less of a person because he didn't.

Again, a lot of people in the gay community are willing to give you a pass, and actually take your side over Anderson Cooper's because of his so-called "hypocrisy" in waiting to come out of the closet. But Alec, I'm not one of those people.

It's not that I don't appreciate everything you've done in the past. But at some point, the words "I'm sorry" aren't a get-out-of-jail-free card every time you do something inappropriate. Apologize and then don't do it again. And don't think you're in a position to criticize others for what you think they should do.

Maybe then I won't switch the channel when a Capital One commercial comes on.

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