Sunday, October 13, 2024

Book Review: "The Book of George" by Kate Greathead

Oh, George…

We all know someone like George. The kind of person who has been able to coast through life on their looks, someone for whom life can be perpetually easy, but they don’t see it. Perhaps you even are a George.

As you might have surmised, this book tells the story of George. It follows him for 20 years, starting at his teenage years. George is an ambitious if unimpressive student; a caring yet generally self-centered son and brother; an adequate if directionless employee; and an affectionate—if not always focused—boyfriend.

The book is told in vignettes, moving forward through his life. His story is interesting but I found it was like reading about someone who vaguely annoys you. I rolled my eyes a lot and wondered why anyone wanted to tell—or read—his story.

This book never really clicked for me. I considered DNFing but kept wondering if George would suddenly become a more interesting—or less likable—character. But that didn’t happen for me. Maybe it will for you?

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