Saturday, October 19, 2024

Book Review: "Rehearsed to Death" by Frank Anthony Polito

I’ve been meaning to get back to this fun cozy mystery series for a while, and I’m glad I finally did! The marketing blurb called this book “Hart to Hart via HGTV,” and of course, it made me think about how I used to love that show! (You youngsters reading this review, the 80s were fun years of TV.)

Peter (PJ) and JP return, but their home renovation show, Domestic Partners, is on hiatus. Instead, they’re focused on the theater. Peter’s first play, Blue Tuesday, is going to be produced, and JP will be the star.

There are hopes that the play might even make it to Broadway, so a big-deal director is brought in to up the ante. And Xander Sherwood Deva is the biggest of big deals—especially in his own mind. It’s not long before this overly affected, egotistical, spiteful, scarf-wearing tyrant drives everyone to anger. Given all of the enemies he’s made in his career, it’s not entirely surprising when he’s found dead, but who sent Xander for his final curtain call?

JP and Peter are determined that Blue Tuesday will go on as planned, regardless of Xander’s murder. But before the curtain can rise, they’ll need to slip into their detective roles and figure out who killed their director.

Will they unmask the killer before it’s too late? Will the show go on? Will anyone else wind up in danger? And will the play be a success? So much is riding on the couple, including the realization of their own dreams.

I think this series really is a delight. The characters make me laugh and the whole plot had a fun, farcical tone to it. I loved seeing them solving crimes together. I’ll definitely pick up the third book in the series a bit quicker!

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