Sunday, October 13, 2024

Book Review: "Remember Me Tomorrow" by Farah Heron

Give me a time loop and some romance, and I’m happy. This book gave me both plus a little mystery, so needless to say, I absolutely loved it.

Aleeza has finally had enough. She’s tired of her best friend and roommate throwing her over for guys or people she thinks are “cooler” or more popular. So a month into the second semester, she’s able to find the last vacant dorm room on campus. It may be small, it may be a single, but it’ll be hers.

She’s surprised to find a dresser full of men’s clothes in her room, since it’s supposed to be empty. But right away people in her new dorm start treating her strangely, and she quickly discovers that she’s been assigned to a room where another student, Jay Hoque, lived before he disappeared several months before.

No one is sure what happened to Jay, but most of the gossip says he slept around with a lot of women and didn’t treat them well, and there are also rumors that he was part of a big cheating scandal. As an aspiring investigative journalist, Aleeza can’t help but be drawn to figuring out what happened to him.

Imagine her surprise when she starts getting text messages through the dorm system—and they’re from Jay. Strangely, he says that he is in his room. It turns out that somehow Jay is messaging her from a few months in the past. As they build a relationship of sorts, can Aleeza figure out what happened to him so he can prevent it from happening in the past?

I thought this was a really good story. The interplay between Aleeza and Jay was really sweet. While the mystery part got a little confusing with lots of characters thrown in, I was definitely hooked and needed to know how the story would resolve itself.

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