Thursday, May 16, 2024

Book Review: "I'll Have What He's Having" by Adib Khorram

I was so excited to see that after writing several terrific YA novels, Adib Khorram is making his first foray into adult romance—and it was really good!⁣⁣

⁣⁣ Farzan may be the oldest of three children, but he’s not been the stellar success that his siblings have, either professionally or romantically. He’s a substitute teacher, which is exhausting, and he’s just had another relationship end really before it began.⁣⁣

⁣⁣ To drown his sorrows, Farzan goes to Aspire, one of Kansas City’s hottest wine bars. He gets fantastic personal attention from Aspire’s wine director, David, who is not only tremendously knowledgeable, but he’s the sexiest man Farzan has ever seen. They flirt over each pour, and both feel the intense attraction. David thinks Farzan is a restaurant critic—a hilarious misunderstanding that gets cleared up during post-meal passion.⁣⁣

⁣⁣ After an incredibly steamy night, David tells Farzan that he’s taking the master sommelier exam in a few months, and once he passes, he’s planning to leave Kansas City. Farzan doesn’t want just a casual fling, but when he decides to take over his parents’ restaurant, he needs David’s help—and David could use a study buddy—so they agree to be friends with benefits.⁣⁣

⁣⁣ Of course, the no-strings-attached thing rarely succeeds, and it’s not long before both have fallen for each other. But if David is going to leave, what’s the point in giving into their feelings? Are they running the risk of losing the best thing that has happened to both of them?⁣⁣

⁣⁣ This was a moving, romantic, fun, and incredibly steamy book. It’s a story of family, friendship, love, food, wine, and trusting your heart and your dreams. And boy, did it make me hungry!!

Thanks to NetGalley and Forever for the advance copy. The book will publish 8/27.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣

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