Saturday, January 23, 2021

Book Review: "Alex Six" by Vince Taplin

In the immortal words of Keanu Reeves, “Whoa.” What a crazy ride Alex Six took me on!

Vick Miller is a former college professor. He now owns a number of properties that he rents, and he and his wife are raising their infant son. Life isn't perfect, but it's good.

Alexa Livingston is the wealthy daughter of a real estate magnate. She and her husband Francis were in love, but he died tragically before they could start a family. When she sees Vick at a grocery store one day, she nearly falls apart emotionally, practically brought to her knees by his resemblance to her late husband.

Desperate to have a child that reminds her of Francis, she offers to pay Vick handsomely if he’ll give her a specimen. But he can’t tell anyone, including his wife. The price is too good to pass up, so what's the downside?

As Alexa’s requests continue and her offers increase, Vick feels trapped. Does he have a price? Can he say no? Will Alexa allow it?

I'm going to stop here with the plot summary, but let's just say that Alex Six is a crazy book I couldn’t stop reading. The characters aren’t likable in the slightest but that doesn’t matter one iota—I needed to know what would happen next, even as I was a little creeped out by the possibilities. And I’ll never look at vanilla extract the same way again!!

The author, Vince Taplin, sent me a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an unbiased review. Thanks for making it available!

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