Friday, September 13, 2024

Book Review: "Smile and Look Pretty" by Amanda Pellegrino

Honestly, I’m almost embarrassed how long I’ve had this book hanging around my stack. I’m so easily distracted by shiny new things (and books), lol. But I was in the mood for a little workplace drama (since I don’t have any in my new job), so I finally picked this up.

Cate, Olivia, Lauren, and Max are best friends with big dreams. But in order to achieve them, they’re all working as assistants to some movers and shakers in the entertainment world. Their bosses are all awful—a cross between Miranda Priestley and the bosses from the Horrible Bosses movies. All four women are constantly stressed, working way too much and not getting paid well for all the work they do.

They get together every Friday to commiserate. And the more they talk about their respective situations and share their frustrations about being overlooked and mistreated, the angrier they get. So they decide to air their grievances on an anonymous blog.

It doesn’t take long for the blog to catch fire. More and more women anonymously step forward to share that they’ve had the same—or worse—experiences. And as the blog continues going viral, they learn that someone is trying to figure out who is behind it. Is the validation of their treatment worth the risk to their futures? Can they actually take down their sleazy bosses?

I enjoyed this book a lot. The camaraderie between the women was great, and even if they seemed a little naïve at times, the characters were generally appealing. The tone of the book shifted to more female empowerment and courage, and that was great.

Thanks to Park Row Books and NetGalley for the complimentary copy. If you’re looking for a great backlist read, pick this up!

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