Monday, September 16, 2024

Book Review: "So Thirsty" by Rachel Harrison

While I (mostly) tend to steer clear of scary books, I do love a vampire novel every once in a while. And Rachel Harrison’s new book is more than just a vampire novel—it’s a story of friendship, taking chances, bravery, and the occasional existential crisis.

“If there is a happy medium between being a resigned, mildly depressed thirty-six-year-old woman with a thankless job and cheating husband, and being an immortal vampire indulging her lust for blood and sex and her desire for love and excitement, it sure would be nice to find it.”

Sloane is going through the motions in her life. She has her routines, her job, her vaguely unsatisfying marriage, but she doesn’t love stepping out of her comfort zone. But when her husband Josh surprises her with a birthday vacation—for her and her best friend Naomi—she’s excited and dreading it simultaneously.

Naomi has always been the risk taker, the unapologetic flirt. She’s been traveling the world with her boyfriend and his band, and she’s starting to hate it. But what she hates even more is seeing Sloane settle for a boring life, avoiding conflict and any inkling of happiness.

Determined to show Sloane a great time on her birthday, she arranges for them to attend a party thrown by a man she met the night before. But this party is everything Sloane hates, and then things go so spectacularly off the rails that the friends are changed forever. Now, however, they have immortality—but their new thirst overrides logical thought.

This is definitely a bit graphic but it’s also thought-provoking and sexy. How far would you go for your best friend?

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