Thursday, July 18, 2024

Book Review: "It Had To Be You" by Eliza Jane Brazier

Eliza Jane Brazier’s newest thriller published this week. This book was great—funny, suspenseful, steamy, and romantic—and I wouldn’t be shocked to see a film/TV adaptation pop up sometime soon.

Eva (not her real name) and Jonathan (not his real name) meet cute on a sleeper train from Florence to Paris. There’s definitely chemistry between the two of them, despite the fact that Jonathan seems a bit loopy. (He got shot but doesn’t want anyone to know.) The two wind up having hot sex on a luggage rack on the train, and when Eva goes to back to their compartment, Jonathan never returns.

The truth is, both are contract killers, but neither knows that yet. They can’t get the memory of their encounter out of their minds, but it’s a shock to both when six months later, they run into each other again, at the Hall of Mirrors in Versailles. It’s no coincidence this time, though—Eva has been assigned to kill Jonathan.

Eva is proud of her skill as a cold-blooded killer, but while she thinks she can easily murder Jonathan, her heart isn’t quite in it. As they start falling in love with each other, it appears that their failure to kill one another has made them both a threat. Can true love survive trained assassins? Can they ever walk away from their past?

This has aspects of Mr. & Mrs. Smith, but the chemistry between the two and the existential challenges they face make the plot richer. As they ping-pong their way through Europe, they don’t know whom to trust—not even each other.

Such a fun read!! Thanks to Berkley and NetGalley for the advance copy!

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