Saturday, August 17, 2024

Book Review: "The Brothers Kenney" by Adam Mitzner

Sean Kenney became interested in track because his older brother Michael ran it. But Sean became an even better and faster runner than Michael, winning a NJ state championship and setting his sights on the Olympics.

He never quite got over the failure to achieve his dreams, and that feeling proved detrimental to his relationship with his wife and daughters as well as his family. One night he had a huge fight with his brother and it was the catalyst to essentially cut himself off from everyone.

But two years later, he is summoned home with the sad news that his brother took his life. Amazingly, Sean had just gotten a call from Michael saying he was in some trouble and would need Sean’s help, so Sean can’t believe he’s dead.

While all signs point to suicide, Sean has the nagging feeling that it was murder instead. And when he learns that Michael may have been involved in some shady financial dealings, he’s even more convinced that Michael didn’t kill himself. But everyone around him tells him he’s losing his grip and he should just let it go.

He decides to stay in New Jersey, to try and rebuild his relationships with his daughters and his family. But he can’t shake his suspicions about Michael’s death. And while the reappearance of an old flame makes him believe in second chances, it also gives him the push to truly find out what happened.

I loved this book. It was a combination of family drama and mystery, and I really was drawn into this story of regrets, second chances, and forgiveness. I’ve not read anything by Adam Mitzner before but I definitely will read more now!

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