Sunday, August 25, 2024

Book Review: "Every Time I Go On Vacation, Someone Dies" by Catherine Mack

This was a fun romp that I’ve had on my stack for a while. I recently took a two-day vacation just an hour or so away, so what better time to read this book?

”Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. I want to commit a homicide.”

Eleanor Dash is a successful mystery writer who has written a series of books that follow the protagonist and her handsome sidekick as they solve murders across Europe. Amazingly, her foray into fiction was inspired by a trip to Rome, where she fell in love and got embroiled in a robbery and murder.

Ten years later, Eleanor is more than ready to kill off the sidekick, Connor, who was modeled after her real former boyfriend-turned-nuisance, Connor. She’s tired of him being the focus of her fans, and she’s tired of him blackmailing her to give him a share of her advance for each book. So she’s ready to kill him off—at least the fictional Connor.

But on a trip of Italy arranged by her publisher to celebrate the 10th anniversary of her series—which of course, Connor is part of, along with several other mystery authors—she learns that someone might actually be trying to kill Connor. (Although who wouldn’t?) And when she becomes the target of attempted murder as well, she needs to figure out who might want her dead—and it’s someone on the tour.

This was definitely enjoyable and compulsively readable. Eleanor’s voice is fun and I hope she will be back in another book—although I could definitely do without the footnotes!!

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