Monday, August 12, 2024

Book Review: "Flip Job" by Raleigh Ruebins

Nathan and his younger brother Shawn own a construction company, Fixer Brothers, in their small Colorado hometown of Jade River. While Nathan is the father of a teenage daughter, Shawn has had trouble finding a relationship, as boyfriends keep breaking his heart.

And then Rush returns to town. Rush is Nathan’s best friend, and during high school, he was the object of Shawn’s fantasies, but Shawn was too afraid to come out. While Shawn had always found Rush attractive and confident in his own skin, seeing him now reminds him just how sexy he can be.

Rush is amazed to see what a handsome man Shawn has grown into. He’s returned to town because his father left him his house and a brewery, and Rush plans to stay in town only long enough to get the house remodeled and flipped. And who better to help than Shawn and Nathan?

Shawn feels an immediate attraction to Rush once again, and the two begin a steamy flirtation. But Rush would never want to jeopardize his friendship with Nathan by sleeping with his brother. And Rush has never been the relationship type, more the guy who just wants something casual and then walks away before he gets too attached. He definitely thinks Shawn is the type who needs a relationship.

Shawn has heard all the stories about Rush, and he doesn’t care. He’s willing to do the whole no-strings-attached thing, and he is able to convince Rush (in a very persuasive way) to fool around. Of course, both catch intense feelings very quickly, and Rush is so convinced he’s not the relationship type that he’s afraid to follow his heart. Can the two have everything they want?

This is the first book in a 6-book series, and I enjoyed the mix of banter, romance, and seriously steamy steam. (Seriously.) The characters are fun to root for, and I’ll be getting further into the series for sure!

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