Getting yourself back on track after a vacation seems almost impossible! I had really hoped to be completely current with my thankfulness posts by today, but since the last post, which spanned Wednesday-Monday, took a long time to write, I ran out of time to write yesterday's. So, please forgive me for one more combined thankful post, ok?
Day 16
One day when I was in high school I decided I wanted to cook dinner for my family. I had never cooked before, and I can't say what prompted me to do it then, other than the fact I was intrigued by a recipe. That planted the culinary bug in me, and although I spent my college years and the few after graduation mostly eating fast food and the cheapest meals I could find, in 1994 I spontaneously decided that I would cook Thanksgiving dinner for friends. Despite making a 22-pound turkey for five people (they should put a serving guide on those Butterballs), the meal was a tremendous success and that was when I knew cooking was something I truly loved.
From that point on, I was hooked. Meals became more and more elaborate; I started taking some cooking classes and then eventually wound up in culinary school. For a few years, I worked as a personal chef, something I'd probably still be doing if it weren't for the economy! I'm truly grateful for the desire and the ability to cook and bakeit's a tremendous stress reliever (although sometimes it causes more stress) and it makes me popular! LOL
Day 17
How can Thanksgiving possibly be only one week from tomorrow?
These two items for which I'm thankful may have a little less weight (so to speak) than others but they're just as deserving of my gratitudechocolate and peanut butter. I love both separately but they're also tremendously wonderful together. (As an old Reese's Peanut Butter Cup commercial said, they're "two great tastes that taste great together.")
Chocolate is a wonderful thing, both a luxury and a stress reliever. Throw in a little peanut butter and it's even better. And right now, Reese's Christmas Trees are on sale, which are one of the greatest things about the holidays!
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